The implementation of a web concept and online store for Harley Davidson Brno, involving a link with the Abra G3 accounting system which allows e.g. storage management or an automatic generation of invoices.
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The creation of a web presentation for the distinguished Czech company DT Expert which specializes in implementing vast interior projects for leading Czech businesses and institutions.
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The implementation of a responsive web presentation for the modern Exit 112 showroom which is used as a café and a place to present the products made by Böhm, a traditional Czech producer of luxury three-piece suits.
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The implementation of an e-shop and web presentation for the Czech dealer of Indian, an American producer of motorcycles, and Polaris four wheelers. The online store includes a link between administration and the accounting system.
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We created a simple, well-arranged web presentation focused on a detailed promotion of products and services for Re-stone marble s.r.o., a company which specializes in processing precious minerals.
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We created a simple, intuitive website – oriented primarily on presenting services in the field of construction – for the reputable construction company V-STAV A, spol. s.r.o.
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We certainly aren’t strangers to the implementation of web presentations for the state administration, as evidenced by the extensive responsive web presentation we created for the eight-year gymnasium in Třebíč.
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The implementation of a responsive web presentation for Design Dot s.r.o., a company which specializes in design and realization of the building, interior equipment and other services tailored to their clients.
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For the Czech catering company Royal Party Servis s.r.o., which cooperates with major companies, banks and institutions, we created a modern responsive web presentation.
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We also created a new responsive web presentation for Diversis, s.r.o., whose services include mainly Facility management, fit-out and project management.
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For a unique project of an office complex near Prague airport Vaclav Havel Prague Airport Park, we have created a modern one-page responsive web presentation.
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As part of the Hyundai Family Day celebrations, we have created a draw system that randomly drew one winner based on employee cards ID.